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Webly Parker - Wilkie Glasses SKU-SOW3

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A product description is the marketing copy used to describe a product’s value proposition to potential customers. A compelling product description provides customers with details around features, problems it solves and other benefits to help generate a sale.

Whether your products have a specific function, like a camera, or a personal purpose, like fashion, all products exist to enhance or improve the purchaser’s quality of life in one way or another. As the shopper browses, they instinctively imagine having each product in hand, using it and enjoying it.

The more powerful the customer’s fantasy of owning the product, the more likely they are to buy it. Therefore, I like to think of product descriptions as storytelling and psychology, incorporating the elements of both prose writing and journalism. A “good” product description will not do. Competition is getting too fierce. It must be great!

Key Questions

  • Who is this product for? The target audience can be a gender (women or men), an age group (college kids, retirees), a lifestyle demographic (new mothers, car enthusiasts) or some other defined group of people.
  • What are the product’s basic details? This includes attributes such as dimensions, materials, product features and functions.
  • Where would someone use this product? Is it meant for indoor or outdoor use, for your car or your home?
  • When should someone use the product? Is it meant to be used during a certain time of day, seasonally or for a specific type of occasion? Just as important is pointing out if a product can or should be used every day or year-round, as that will speak to its long-term value.
  • Why is this product useful or better than its competitors? This can be anything from quality to value to features — really think about the benefits that will speak to customers. Also consider how images can complement your product copy.
  • How does the product work? This may not be necessary for every product, but if you are selling anything with moving parts or electronics, it’s a must-have.
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Display Type Flat LCD 55"
Resolution 1200 x 450
1366 x 768
1920 x 768


Network Connector No

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By John Doe on June 29, 2018

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By John Doe on June 29, 2018

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